The Delta Chapter meetings are typically held the 3rd Saturday of every month
(except in June and July)
Times and locations may vary. See the calendar page for details beyond the current month.
Meeting Information

March Meeting 2025
Join us for our February meeting at the Ripon Library at 10:00 AM. Rev. Scott Elliott will be giving a presentation on Patrick Henry and the 250th anniversary of his “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech. Afterwards we will meet for lunch at the Ripon Roadhouse.
333 W Main Street
Ripon, CA 95366

February 2025 Meeting
We had a great meeting together. Click the link to read the minutes.

January 2025 Meeting
We kicked off the year with a great meeting! View photos below as well as President McClure’s presentation on the constitution.
David Beeskau
America 250 Bronze Medal Recipient
Gary Overby
America 250 Bronze Medal Recipient
Charles Newcomb
Distinguished Service Medal Recipient
Andrew McClure
Meritorious Service Medal Recipient
Oath of Office
The Installation of President McClure
Rev. Scott Elliott
Past President Appreciation Award

Wreaths Across America
The Wreaths Across America event will take the place of our regular monthly meeting. We will meet at the San Joaquin National Cemetery at 10:00 AM on December 14th. There will be a brief ceremony at 10:00. After laying our wreaths we will have lunch at Pea Soup Anderson’s.

November Meeting
Join us for our November meeting! We will meet 9:30 AM at Mimi’s Cafe located at 3401 Dale Rd. Modesto, CA 95356.
Upcoming Meetings
December 14 - Wreaths Across America

October Meeting
Join us for our October meeting! We will meet 9:30 AM at Mimi’s Cafe located at 3401 Dale Rd. Modesto, CA 95356.
Upcoming Meetings
October 25-26 - State Meeting (Bakersfield)
November 16 - Annual Chapter Meeting
December 14 - Wreaths Across America

September Meeting
Join us for our September meeting! We will meet 9:30 AM at Mimi’s Cafe located at 3401 Dale Rd. Modesto, CA 95356.
Upcoming Events
September 21 - Chapter Meeting
October 19 - Chapter Meeting
October 25-26 - State Meeting (Bakersfield)
November 16 - Annual Chapter Meeting
December 14 - Wreaths Across America

August Meeting
Get to Know Your Family Tree
A Genealogy Workshop
Saturday, August 17, 2024
At Salida Library – 4835 Sisk Rd.
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Do you have an ancestor who participated in the American Revolution or who came aboard the Mayflower?
This workshop will help you discover how to find your ancestry no matter where they are from.
Admission is Free
Refreshments will be served
Childcare will not be provided. Appropriate for ages 12 – Adult.
Co-Sponsored by Delta Sons of the American Revolution, El Toyon Daughters of the American Revolution and Stanislaus County Library Salida

May Meeting
Join us for our May meeting! We will meet 9:30 AM at Mimi’s Cafe located at 3401 Dale Rd. Modesto, CA 95356. We will be hearing many updates from the California Society’s annual meeting which just took place in Burlingame, as well as a presentation from Vice President Andrew McClure.

April Meeting
Join us for our April meeting! We will meet 9:30 AM at Mimi’s Cafe located at 3401 Dale Rd. Modesto, CA 95356. President Elliott will be giving a presentation on chaplains in the American Revolution.

March Meeting
Join us for our March meeting! We will meet 9:30 AM at Mimi’s Cafe located at 3401 Dale Rd. Modesto, CA 95356.

February Meeting
Join us for our February meeting once again at our new time and place. We will meet 9:30 AM at Mimi’s Cafe located at 3401 Dale Rd. Modesto, CA 95356. This month we will be enjoying a presentation on Family Coat of Arms!
Our speaker-- John Richardson is Professor Emeritus at UCLA where he has taught more than 1,000 graduate students training to become archivists, librarians, and curators. In recent years, he has specialized in teaching a graduate course entitled “Genealogical Information Resources” and serves as a volunteer administrator for the Richardson Surname project at FamilyTreeDNA. His 15th and latest book, which won the 2021 Harrison Prize from the Ohio Genealogical Society, is entitled Die Weber Familie (ITA Press, 2020) uses the STEPE model to explain the emigration pattern of the Weber family who left Neukirchen am Potzberg in Germany in the early 19th century with one branch moving to Brazil and the other starting their new life in the United States. His academic work has been recognized by the American Library Association’s Justin Winsor Prize for best historical writing and has been supported by the US Department of State (as a Fulbright Scholar twice in 2001 to Russia and in 2012 to Turkmenistan).

January Meeting (NEW LOCATION)
Join us for our January meeting at our new time and place. We will meet 9:30 AM at Mimi’s Cafe located at 3401 Dale Rd. Modesto, CA 95356. Use the link below to preview the menu.

Wreaths Across America
The Wreaths Across America event will take the place of our regular monthly meeting. We will meet at the San Joaquin National Cemetery at 10:00 AM on December 16th. There will be a brief ceremony at 10:00. After laying our wreaths we will have lunch at Pea Soup Anderson’s.

November Meeting
We met on Saturday November 18th at 10:30 AM at Cafe Platano in Lathrop for our monthly meeting. We had officer elections, updates from the state meeting, chapter awards and a presentation from Mel.

October Meeting
We met on Saturday October 21st at 10:30 AM at Cafe Platano in Lathrop for our monthly meeting.

September Meeting
We met on Saturday September 16th at 10:30 AM at Cafe Platano in Lathrop for our monthly meeting.

August Meeting
On Saturday August 19th at 10:30 AM we met at Cafe Platano in Lathrop for our monthly meeting. Click below for the minutes, agenda and photos.

Memorial Day Ceremony
The Silicon Valley Chapter SAR color guard would be pleased to have you join us at the May 29, 2023 Memorial Day ceremony at Oak Hill Cemetery, 300 Curtner Avenue, San Jose. The ceremony starts at 9:30 AM at Oak HIll Cemetery. The Silicon Valley and Delta Chapters will also be manning an SAR information table at Oak Hill Cemetery before and after the Memorial Day Ceremony.

May Meeting
On Saturday May 20th we met in Lathrop for our monthly meeting. This month’s meeting was packed full of information from the annual state meeting, as well as opportunities we have coming up as a chapter.

April Meeting
Join us on April 15th for the monthly meeting of the Delta Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. Past President Melvin Howell will be giving a presentation on the book " Liberty's Exiles", American Loyalists in the Revolutionary World, by Maya Jasamoff.

March 2023
Join us on March 18th for the monthly meeting of the Delta Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution.

February Meeting
At our February meeting we listened to a great presentation on the Founding Fathers and we shared our judging results of our chapter oration contest.

January 2023 Meeting
We met on January 21st as we kicked off 2023! This year will be a great one for the Delta Chapter!

Wreaths Across America
The Wreaths Across America event took the place of our regular monthly meeting. We met at the San Joaquin National Cemetery at 10:30 AM on December 17th. There was not a live ceremony this year, but we will be sent a link to view a prerecorded service. After laying our wreaths we had lunch at Pea Soup Anderson’s. The chapter paid for everyone’s lunch.

November Meeting
At our November meeting Dr. Matthew Bowdish shared a interesting presentation on the medical history of George Washington.

October Meeting
At our October meeting we heard a summary from Mel about the book Feeding Washington’s Army. View the minutes below.

September Meeting
At our September meeting we watched a presentation about the role of Spain in the American Revolution. View the minutes below.

June Meeting
At our June meeting Past President Mel Howell gave a presentation about Joseph Plumb Martin, a 15 year old who served in most of the war years.

May Meeting
In our May meeting President Elliott provided a recap of many excited projects and opportunities that came out of his time at the state society meeting.
To view minutes from past meetings click on the meeting on this calendar.